Abomi Nation is my first Steam release, and it's out now! It's a roguelike, monster-taming RPG. It would mean a lot if you checked it out!

Carl Pilon @OrangePylon

Age 30

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 7/5/06

Exp Points:
2,248 / 2,500
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.68 votes
Town Watch
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
2m 1d


ooohhhhhhhh awesome still! and okay if you say so i guess your not better than egoraptor. good luck on this game and please for all of newgrounds dont give up on it!

Oh, the games almost done. ^^ There's no way I'm giving up on this one, and I'm positive that I can do everything I plan on doing.

Oh, and if you honestly think that I'm better than Egoraptor, that's great! :3 I was just surprised you'd even compare me to someone as big as him. o_O

already almost done? impossible. unless...theres only one character to play as?

Well I've been working on this for months already, I've already got 16/20 levels finished, assuming I can program the Mimi-Games in time, it'll definatly be out the 17th. Yes there is only one character, but adding new characters doesn't take long at all. I could add 10 new characters the day before submitting if I wanted to... But I mean the game IS called Wooper's Adventure. But don't worry, several other Pokémon make cameos as enemies, bosses, and either as playable characters or enemies in Mini-Games. There's a hefty amount of fan service here, you won't be disappointed.

EDIT: Oh, right, but there are no 4th generation Pokémon... at all. And that was intentional. The new Pokémon just plain suck and I don't know anything about anyone of them save for Lucario, but that's because of Smash Bros. Sorry! :)

Also, the Wooper you see standing next to Wooper in the up right corner is Woopette... Woopette is just a Wooper with a flower on its head because I'm sooo original. ;)

hmm it only takes but so long eh? well then how long does it take to make a whole different storyline? heheheh just kidding. anyways if you ever DO make one with 4th gen pokemon and you cant name them or dont know anything about them as i said before i know everything about pokemon if you need help just private message me.

Heh, well since I use sprites, all their names are already provided on the sprite sheet. There aren't enough custom 4th gens to do much with yet anyway.

Oh, and making a new character would take me maybe 10 minutes, I just don't want to for this game... it'd seem forced.

guess your right...heh

Heh... well, better get back to working on it. :D

...Seriously, it's open right now... then why am I still typing? I'm one-handed too because I'm eating a Pop-Tart. (The chocolate ones really don't taste as good as they sound...

...whats the estimated time of realeasage?

Well since I've only said it twice, it'll probably be the 17th. But don't be surprised if it's slightly later...

Almost done buddy?

Oct. 17th ^.^

I was planning to work on it like crazy this weekend, but then I realized that it was Thanksgiving (here in Canada, anyway). It should still be done by then either way... In fact, now that I'm done watching South Park, I oughta work on it right now.

oh well happy thanksgiving

Thanks! ^^ It's not 'till tomorrow though, so after I get a hair cut today I'll be free to work on it all I want so long as one of my friends doesn't call.

3 more days! i cant wait! Lets hope these days FLY by!

Aww I really wish you hadn't said that. <:)

Check the edit I just made... you'll have to hold off a little longer.

DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!! oh well but if it aint out by haloween im giving up on waiting.

Sorry. :(

You must know that it's for the best. You'd rather be playing a good game later than a half-assed one sooner, right? Think of how many times they delayed Brawl. It was all for the better and now it's out and people will be playing for years. This, people will probably be playing for a day, but it's still nice to make it good. :)

So around what time is this gonna be out?

As of right now, I don't know. I just worked an ass load on it today, fixing several bugs and adding new features. It might be out this month still if we're lucky. :o October's a busy month for me, what with Thanksgiving, my birthday, Halloween, and school taking up all my spare time to work on it. T_T

good point...to bad you didnt think this up during summer huh?

Oh I did but it's not like I could avoid it.

you been working hard?

O'course. ^_^

tommorows halloween is the game 50% done? howabout 75%?

I'd say a good 90%. ^.^

I just have to finish the last cutscene, code the mini game for 2-player mode, and do the credits. I just really need to find one sound effect for the last cutscene... I hadn't got the chance to work on it in a long time but I worked on it a lot Tuesday and yesterday. It'll probably come out early November.

kk...ps how was your haloween?

My Halloween? Meh... All my plans got ruined because of work, so I just dressed up in my cow suit (which, by the way, I slept in) and worked on Wooper's Adventure. :D

I'm so close to being done... I finished the credits and now just need to finish the Bonus material and tweak some things. Expect to see this up sometime this week. ^.^

Thanks for being patient.

Thats awesome! I cannot wait to play it. And also one question, why do you think that I am the only one who comments on your user page?

Because I'm not popular enough on NewGrounds quite yet, and the few people who do enjoy my work a lot often talk to me through PMs or over MSN. But that oughta change with Pee Red. :D

you have msn? dude we should add eachother!

Well it'd help if I knew what your hotmail was. :P

Mine's loney03dk@hotmail.com (because I'm so original).

hey dude, about the Wooper's Adventure....

Haha, thanks for the praise and thanks for the awesome song to use!

In case you hadn't noticed, I used it for the "Fun Facts & FAQ" section as well. :D

And in case you hadn't noticed this either: I have you listed at the top of my favorite music artists. <3 Haven't checked your page in a while, so I'm gonna listen to Never Too Late now. :P

your a faggot


...Wait, you have HENTAI on your front page, and you're calling ME a faggot?

And lern2spell.

I have 3 things to say:

1.When is Wiilionaire2 coming out? (I actually own a Wii of my own now!)
2.Happy Holidays!
3.You're B-day is exactly 6 months away from mine.
4.I can't count

"3 things", huh? :P

1. Ugh, sorry, I've canceled it... Quiz games just aren't fun to make. Besides, most of the questions would be dated now. I suppose I could send you the .swf of what I had already done years ago... Sorry. T_T
2. Back atcha.
3. Interesting.
4. Then how did you know that you had 3 things to say, that it was v2 of Wiilionaire, and that your birthday is 6 months away from mine?
5. 'Allo.

The ninja sheep told me. *moves eyes left and right suspiciously*
Oh, and about WWTBAW2: Awww Mannnn!!!!! If I ever get flash, I promise to make a tribute to it: FamWii Feud


That's actually a really good idea, too bad I'm shit with ActionScript so I wouldn't know how to make it... >.>

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