Abomi Nation is my first Steam release, and it's out now! It's a roguelike, monster-taming RPG. It would mean a lot if you checked it out!

Carl Pilon @OrangePylon

Age 30

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 7/5/06

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Huge Update on all of my Flashes

Posted by OrangePylon - February 7th, 2008

Hey, snow day today so I decided I'd make a big news post with info on all the Flashes I'm making. I haven't submitted a Flash since May of last year, but I haven't quit making Flash, there was just a big delay when switching computers. I'm still making Flashes! Four, infact. And I've gotten ALOT better since last year. Consider the gap between my '07 Flashes and my '08 Flashes a gap between the ones that suck and the ones that don't. ;) Here's a little detailed rundown on each:

<You Don't Love Me Anymore: Mario Ed.>
The sequel to my You're Pitiful: Mario Ed., which suprisingly made it into the Weird Al Collection, which is what gave me the inspiration to do another one. But there's a twist on this one: it features Yoshi instead of Mario... and the lyp-synching is rather... awesome if I do say so myself. At least comparing it to the last one... But it's on my old computer which I haven't gone on in forever, so I might not finish it anytime soon.

<Who Wants to be a Wiilionaire v2>
A remake of the original so that it no longer completely sucks balls. There's a News Post all about it a page back from this one so you can just read that.

<Donkamule 3>
The 3rd and final installment in my Donkamule series. I haven't even started it yet, but I am going to make it eventually. I have big things planned for his one, it'll be more than Peter walking and meeting someone and making fun of them. This one will feature voice acting, new characters, fight sequences (yes), and GOOD animation... but this'll probably be the last of these Flashes I finish since I haven't even started it yet. :3

<Banjo-Kazooie RPG>
Possibly... no, definatly my biggest project ever. Remember the good ol' days of the N64? What games pop into your head when you think of it? If Banjo-Kazooie or Tooie isn't up there, then you are messed up in the head buddy. Banjo is one of my favorite games of all time. He's what got me into gaming when I was a kid. And now that I don't suck at Action Script anymore I've decided to make a big tribute. Wouldn't ya guess it, Gruntilda is at it again! She's captured Tootie again and hidden behind a massive note door! The only way to get through is to get 100 notes... only problem is that Gruntilda's minions are holding all the notes therefore there are none left to collect. How do you get the notes out of them? A Turn-based battling system ovcourse! It works kinda like Paper Mario, you use Banjo to dish out Standard Attacks and Kazooie for the Specials. Mumbo serves as the helper and aids you with his magic. Defeat enough enemies to reach the boss. Throw in a couple mini-games and a town to buy items and talk to townsfolk in and you've got yourself my first big project.

(Sorry about the quality of the image, and the logo isn't allways in the corner like that it's just there for the sake of the screenshot.)

Huge Update on all of my Flashes


Hey thanks for the update. I'm really looking forward to WWTBAW V2, the original was on the right track but was a little too n00bish. I think this one will be a lot better and even more fun. Donkamule 3 is another one I'm looking forward to. Can't wait till the series is complete, and this one will have voice acting? right on *thumbs up* And Banjo-Kazooie RPG sounds great but an RPG is harder then it looks and could end up not working out in the end. I'll be more then glad to help you out on this big project if you need any, and I wish you luck. Though RPGs are the hardest type of game to make, they are the most fun. Good luck.

"I'll be more then glad to help you out on this big project if you need any, and I wish you luck."

There we go, I'm never gonna let that go untill the game is finished. >:)

when will WWTBAW V2 come out?

Hmm... I can't exactly give a release date... BK RPG is my main priority right now, so that will probably get finished first, but Wiilionaire is closely following. I'd say a month or two...

woah, you're making an rpg?! I love rpgs!!!

So do I. ;) Paper Mario is pretty much what inspired the whole thing.

can the deadline be my birthday? April 17th?

Heh, sure why not. XD

Great flashes
P.S. Wanna join the GWC <a href="http://www.sparkwattclock.newgronds.com">www.sparkwattclock.newgronds.com</a>

I don't know, maybe you should spam some more. -.-

And I don't know about any strange sites called NewGronds, I'm gonna stay here at good ol' NewGrounds...

...Sarcasm. Spamming on random News Posts won't get anyone to go, it just makes you look like an idiot, especially when you don't explain what it is... and don't bother to explain what it is, because nobody checks this anyway and even if they did they wouldn't care.

Dude, Im in the GWC.


Well I don't care what it is, spam is spam.