Hi, Newgrounds. I've been hard at work on my new game, Pokémon Campaign. For those of you who don't know it, Pokémon Campaign is a Flash game set in the Pokémon world that allows for open-world exploration and real-time battles.
If you'd like to play the latest demo, you can find it right here through Newgrounds' fantastic new Project System.
Head up to Apricot City and press Space next to the Lass to accept your first mission!
I also just made a profile for it on IndieDB, which is a great site, and I hope to talk a little more in-depth about Campaign there in the future. You can also find a tutorial if this is your first time playing. I'll be updating the IndieDB page as we get closer to development, so be sure to check back.
As always, I am very open to constructive criticism. Although this will be the last demo before the final product, the game is still unfinished, and could benefit greatly from beta testers. I'd love to hear what you think.
Thanks for taking the time to play Pokémon Campaign's third demo, and I hope you enjoy it!
Awesome. Just wondering, are you going to make another Pokemon movie like you did with Pokemon PeeRed Version?
No, in fact, I was supposed to be finished with Pokémon after Pee Red. Pokémon Campaign was just something I started to see if I could code the engine properly, but it evolved into something more (Pokémon pun not intended). I have plans for after Campaign, but I'll never do another sprite movie.