
12 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Not to toot my own horn, but...

Yeah I'm that shmo who made that Pokémon: Pee Red Version flash two years ago that was sorta popular, a bit. Now I'm not bringing that up because I want to compare mine to yours, or even to draw attention to mine. I'm reviewing this flash because I saw myself in you and since I've made a very similar flash, could offer you advice that I would have appreciated. After all, like me, you actually respond to your reviews, which shows that you do care a lot about what you're putting out there for people to see. And what's more, you expect actual criticism from the negative ones, which I applaud you for. Anyway, I've spent entirely too much space with this probably unnecessary intro. On to where this flash actually gains and loses points in my book:

What I enjoyed most was how you set up a cast of characters with personalities. I actually wanted to see what was happening to Ash and Gary since they had a bit of chemistry together, and giving them both a team of unique Pokémon kind of separated them from the other variations of them we've seen in countless flash movies and Nuzlocke fan comics. Prof. Oak's voice is great. Oak being a pervert is nothing we haven't seen before *ahem*, but the way that his voice actor got it down was very enjoyable.

The sprite work was very lively. The way the camera and backgrounds were tweaked to make it seem like we could see all around the characters (Ash's room) was nice, and using the trainer sprites for close-up shots was a nice touch. The lip sync carried over to when they were small, and the characters bounced around and moved like they were actually emoting, which is a bit more than you can say for my old version. But even if the animation does kick the ass out of mine, it isn't perfect. There are a lot of small hiccups that make you wonder why they're even there, some sounds were off or missing all together, and the subtitles seemed stretched at times and were riddled with spelling mistakes, which drags the presentation down all together.

But all these things I'm saying don't seem to be enough to drag the score down to a 6, and that brings me to this flash's biggest problem: its sense of humour. I see how you've been hearing this a lot, but not everything has to be about sex. Hell, sometimes there are times where you don't even need a joke. Having no joke actually IS better than having a bad joke. Case in point: bringing up the Water Temple just to make a TWSS joke about it being (*tee-hee*) HARD. While 3% of your audience may laugh at That's What She Said jokes, the other 97% will be either cringing or facepalming. It seems like a lot of the jokes were thrown in like that. Another good (or bad, really) example is when the nerd approaches Ash and Gary and says that Cynthia is cute, but is only into girls, because apparently just bringing up lesbianism counts for a joke (and we find out later that that isn't true, so this anti-joke doesn't even have a reason to exist). Immediately after, he gets kicked in the balls. Wait, why? What promted Ash to do that? It just seems like you didn't put much thought into what went there. Also try to deliver a joke and not just point it out, like Prof. Birch wearing sandals. You can't just have him say "how gay is that?!" It's lazy and embarassing, and it set the bar low for the rest of the flash.

Holy crap am I ever running out of space. Let it be known that while your humour isn't to my liking, there was enough that I liked that stopped it from being a total stinker. Or even kept it from being bad at all, a 6 is above average. I laughed out loud at the line "WOAH, was that me?!" The ending especially I really liked. The Star Wars joke didn't seem totally forced; it gave me a chuckle. I have no idea why you're catching so much flack for the Sandshrew fight scene, I thought it was the best part of the flash. It's probably one of the best use of sprites that I've seen, not to mention funny, too.

In conclusion, it had its moments, and I believe you will get better in time and learn from your mistakes.


PS PoopBrown was too obvious a title choice.

Eastbeast responds:

This is a great review to read especially. I remember watching Pee Red when I could barley flash and thinking, wow that would be cool to do one day; it was the humor that really made it a classic in my mind and on NG. :) so with respect this is kind of in ode to Pee Red, But not all quite. I totally took a few pages from you (obviously ha) with perverted Oak, Ash being an ass, and even Gary in his development stages was alot like yours. But I knew to even try to copy your exact style would be a cliche' (As if my title wasn't enough ha) I wanted to expirement with a different kind of humor that was completely, well, stupid, but didn't apologize for itself. It was more inspired by the jokes people use around their friends late at night, which sound stupid in the morning. I will even agree that not all the jokes in this I even laughed at, but I wanted to see them combined with a different kind of pokemon story, other than the one's we've all heard (Ash gets to pewter city and them most pokemon parodies become unconsumated in their lack of conclusion.) I really wanted to expand the pokemon universe in my own direction which I seldom see people do well, but I can understand how the humor in this might undercut it's objective to begin with. But as far as animation went, mine might be more dressed up, but yours is much cleaner and consistent, well timed, and is something I hope to improve on. Anyway, I had fun expirimenting with the humor for myself on this one, and will become less selfish in laughing at my raunchey humor to give some more go for wit in the sequel. I appreciate your critique on my use of humor and advice to better improve, it was beyond helpful. :) I look forward to seeing your original work which seems to be what you are doing now, and I am especially looking forward to the humor, that you really seem to have a good talent in. I hope I didn't sound too pretentious right now or anything haha but it is late so I will probably regret it in the morning. haha I am looking forward to your future projects as well.



P.s Since you aren't going to be making anymore pokemon flashes, could I borrow the title Fart Gold? haha I kid I kid, but seriously.

Very good

This was extremely well done. The idea is original and it kept me entertained. The animation was great. Wasn't the best I've ever seen, but still very well done. The whole thing really reminded me of Wile E. Coyote but I saw that that was intentional when you put that "Acne" joke on the box.

My favorite part of this is the ending. The way the cars start crashing and buildings get demolished; just classic. Doesn't matter how many other times you've seen it, it's still funny. "That's how." also made me laugh.

The only thing that really bugged me was that all of Chicken's attempts were really similar, if not exact ripoffs, of something Looney Toons has already done, which is fine but it'd be nice to see some variety and original ideas.

Overall it was a very good and enjoyable flash and is worthy of an 8. :)

Sh0T-D0wN responds:

True, I loved the Looney Toons and they still have a pretty large influence in me - lol.

Wow, that was... original! XD

Haha, Street Fighter and Harvest Moon... hillarious mix!!! I would've loved to see Jack fight Ken, but he is an Amish. :( Thank God, I was expecting one of those videos that's the exact same thing as the song in itself, but you managed to suprise me! :) Alright, a few complaints though:

Sometimes having your characters talk in a music video isn't a good idea, as you only have a really short period of time to read the text... don't get me wrong, I laughed at it, it's just that sometimes it went by a little fast... And, prepare to get bombarded by people saying "ZOMFG wy did U do dat to jesus?!/"... Sure, I was offended by it, but I'm smart enough to realize that it doesn't ruin the rest of the movie. -.-

Overall, very funny Flash, gave me a good laugh! :)

P.S. Yay, you used the old lady from my You're Pitiful Flash! XD Woohoo!

Nerd-02 responds:

Thanks glad you liked it. I rly didnt mean to offend anybody with the jesus thing. Its just when i heard "on you knees" i knew i needed to put that in. And the text does move a little fast but thats why i put in a replay button ;D

4.47... you've gotta be kidding me...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving you a 7 because the score is too high, that doesn't change the movie... (it's still to high, though xD) I'm giving you a 7 because... well I'll just start on the review:

Alright, 20 minutes long, bravo *clap**clap**clap* (that's not sarcasm, good job :D) what I didn't like was that about 19 of them were boring... there were about 3 times in the entire movie I chuckled and that's

1. The Tetris thing
2. SQUISH IT!!!!!
3. When Kirby apears

Everything else was pretty bad. Not animation-wise, far from it, the animation was exelent. The story was alright, but the humor... ugh... it just didn't do it for me... "Let's gather all the Thwomps" "That's a bad idea, let's gather all the Thwomps!!!" AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Wow, that line was so original... -.-

Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie. I liked it alot. 4/5. Just get someone else to funny-tize it... :( Sorry if I come off as an ass, but I'm just trying to help. ;)

Psycosis91 responds:

Well I'm sorry the hunour didn't interest you, but I know my sense of humour doesn't apply to everyone. It's hard to appeal to everyones taste.

awsome movie

where the hell does everybody keep getting those sprites? i want some. :(

I agree with the guy below me

I agree with the guy below me, this sucks, some people might give it a 3 or 4, but any higher and the person is stupid. 1/5

electricamish responds:

if this sucks why did it make it past judgement someone must have liked it. i just think you need to stop having the seks with the internet and get laid....just saying mate nothing personal

Pretty good

that was pretty good, I didn't laugh out loud at any parts, but it was still funny (if that makes sense...). Overall, 3/5.

thebluedragon responds:

thanks, it was the second most random toon i have made

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