Alright, thanks to a review on my old Wiilionaire from supertoria12, I am making a second version of it. Here is where I'll keep all, like, 2 of you up-to-date on Who Wants to be a Wiilionaire v2!
There are several new features in v2 that should have been implemented in v1 but I had little to no AS skill at the time. Some of them are:
-Rather than playing as Toad, you create your own character from body pieces of other Wii mascots, such as Mario, Raving Rabbid, Elebit, Cooking Mama and more. Also you can give it a username.
-Instead of playing the same 10 questions over again, there are 3 questions for each number chosen randomly. So this time around there are really 30 questions instead of 10.
-Having Samus as host didn't make much sense, so I've switched it to Master Hand.
-There are unlockable bonuses beyond mini games, such as new characters. Speaking of mini games, my pal Nerd~02 is making one of them as a bonus.
That's all for now, but I'll probably be updating this whenever I'm making new stuff. Ooo! Screenshot time!
(The character demonstrated has the head of Dr. Lobe, the body of Cooking Mama, and Raving Rabbid limbs)