Hey it's been quite a while since I've posted anything. I figure I might as well post about my 2 Flashes that I'm currently working on (or 3 if you count the one being thought up). Both of which Pokémon-related. Don't worry, after these two I'm DONE with Pokémon, unless I ever make anything Smash Bros.-related, then Pikachu will probably appear, but these are my last 2 revolving around Pokémon.
For those of you who don't know, I have made 2 parodies of Pokémon already called "Donkamule". In the movie I say I hate Pokémon, but that was almost 2 years ago, I've come to realize that I do in fact like it. I'm not the obsessed figurine-collecting Pokétard I was when I was 6, but Red and Blue are still fun to play.
I plan on remaking Donkamule and am working on writing the script right now. It will cover 1 & 2 and finish it. It will feature better graphics and animation (although it's not hard to up a bunch of sprites, circles and squares), voice acting, better sense of humor, and overall much better quality. It will also be renamed to "Pokémon: Pee Red Version". It's only in the process of being written right now, so I don't have any screen shots or anything to show you. I could give you a snippet of dialogue, but I don't want to really give anything away...
^-- Pokémon: Pee Red Version --^
After I'm done with all that, I plan on making a non-Pokémon-related series with the Donkamule characters on their own. Without Peter or anyone human. It'll feature Donkamule, Frizzleshitz, Lemon, and many more new original characters. Again, there's nothing I can really show you there... I don't even have any sort of script ready. I'm focusing on my other Flashes first. Also, I may need voice actors for Frizzleshitz and a new female character, but that won't be until 2009.
^-- Donkamule: Ep. 1 (Working Title) --^
And finally the game that I've told some of you about, but never actually told you what it was. Well, it's a game featuring the most badass Pokémon in existence. That's right. I'm talking about... Wooper. Wooper's Adventure is the name. It's a Pokémon/Mario/Puzzle/Platformer. It kinda works like SHIFT... except... no shifting. You play through 20 levels collecting the key and entering the door. Simple, right? Well yeah, but there are henchmen Pokémon like Slugma and Gastly trying to stop you under order of the uber epic MUDKIPZ. Mudkip has stolen your sister, Woopette, and run away. It's up to you to save her by getting through some cool platforming elements and innovative boss fights! This game is set to be released on October 17th, my birthday.*
* EDIT: Bawww, scratch that. Looks like I won't have enough time. It really is a shame. Would've been a nice birthday present to myself. I technically COULD, but it'd be half-assed and would only have one Mini-Game. It's really my fault for not working on it as much as I should have... but hey... I have a life. Anyway, I'll try to get it out before Halloween, but if not I'll wait until the Portal isn't flooded with holiday submissions. Anyway, sorry to the, like, 3 of you who were actually waiting for this game. You'll just have to sit tight and wait a little longer.
^-- Wooper's Adventure --^
EDIT: Just noticed the pics were extremely shrunken, hopefully I fixed it now.
Here are 4 screen shots of Wooper's Adventure, one of the menu, one of a cut scene and two of actual game play: